Where can I buy tickets for Bridgeworks events?

Advance tickets are available exclusively online and cannot be purchased in person or over the telephone. You can find upcoming events here. If an event has not sold out by door time, remaining tickets will be available at the door for a modest premium. If an event has sold out and you're looking for tickets, join the event Waitlist to be alerted when a ticket becomes available. In order to protect fans from being ambushed by last-minute automated charges to shows they can no longer attend, the Waitlist will expire 48 hours before the show. We strongly caution against other third-party ticket transactions (such as random strangers offering to help you by selling you “extra tickets” via DM). Any tickets not purchased directly through links on bridgeworks.ca will have no remedies available to the holder if the tickets are found to be fraudulent at point of entry.

Where can I park?

Aside from permit-only accessible parking, there is no public parking (other than accessible) available onsite, and patrons are asked not to park curbside in the neighbourhood directly west of the venue (Caroline south of Barton, Windsor, and the south side of Barton between Hess and Caroline are all permit parking zones for residents).

Do not park in front of houses on the south side of Barton between Hess and Caroline. This is a permit parking area reserved for residents and you may be ticketed/towed.

There are approximately 40 paid parking spots in Municipal Car Park 49 at the corner of Barton and Caroline.

Roughly 200 street parking spaces are available within two blocks of Bridgeworks, located curbside on Hess, Caroline and Tiffany north of Barton. Additional parking capacity may be available at West Harbour GO, two blocks north of Bridgeworks. The station has 300 spaces of surface parking, with access at Tiffany. 

Please be respectful of our neighbours when travelling to and from the event. 

Is Bridgeworks accessible? Does it offer seating?

Bridgeworks is an accessible venue with accessible parking adjacent to the venue entrance, and stage, bar and accessible washroom facilities all conveniently located on the main level. Most of the venue's events are configured as General Admission standing, but a limited number of temporary seats are typically located around the perimeter of the room, where they must remain for safety reasons. (Please note seated attendees at a show ticketed for a standing audience may experience compromised sightlines.) If you have any additional accessibility needs, please contact the venue before the day of event and our staff will make every effort to accommodate them.

Do you have an ATM?

Year-round, you’ll find an ATM onsite, located along the wall between the two rooms, directly opposite the bar.

Do you have a coat check?

Seasonally (October-May), you’ll find the coat check ($2) directly across the room from the entrance doors, at the end of the bar.

Do you have a lost and found?

Yes — and we like to keep it empty, so we make every effort to return stray items to their owners as soon as possible. If you find an item you would like to reunite with its people, please turn it in to staff or security. If you have lost an item and would like to try and locate/reclaim it, you can inquire with staff (at the event) or by emailing us post-event at lostandfound@sonicunyon.com.

Do you mind if I smoke/vape/toke?

Please do not. In accordance with City of Hamilton By-Law No. 11-080, no smoking is permitted within the venue. Smoking may be grounds for removal (and if enforcement officials nab you, potentially a hefty fine). Also forbidden and potentially grounds for removal: vaping, and/or smoking e-cigarettes, and/or smoking cannabis, whether medical or recreational (in accordance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Amendment Act, 2016). Per Section 45(2) of Regulation 719 of the Liquor Licence Act, controlled substances, illegal drugs and/or drug paraphernalia are not allowed on the premises. Medical marijuana is also prohibited inside the venue. We recommend that you store your provisions in your vehicle to enjoy after the event. (Established exemptions for traditional Indigenous cultural or spiritual purposes may be accommodated via prior arrangement with venue management.)

How do I request a photo pass/media accreditation?

Please submit all media accreditation requests through this link at least three (3) days before the event date.

We will only grant photo passes for those shooting for accredited media outlets. No freelance photographers.  Advertising personnel, marketing and sales associates, and similar support staff employed by media outlets do not qualify for media credentials.

Accreditation does not permit media to record audio or video of performances unless the accredited individual obtains special permission from the artist, and that this is confirmed with the venue in advance of day of event. Requests do not guarantee access but all will be considered. If you have a request that is not covered by the form, please reach out to David Young at deege@sonicunyon.com.

I'd like to rent Bridgeworks. Where do I start?

For all venue booking inquiries, please reach out to booking@sonicunyon.com.